Program and Registration

Guest Speakers
Tsun Kong Sham -Western University
Prof Sham’s research centers on the experimental and theoretical investigation of the electronic structure of matter and its interplay with material properties and spectroscopy. Emphasis is placed on metallic and semiconductor materials in low dimensions, and more recently nano-systems, OLED materials, biomaterials and soft matters. A major ongoing thrust is the development and applications of synchrotron radiation techniques at facilities around the globe.
Jesse Greener -Laval University
The Greener group is contributing to the scientific revolution to minimize human environmental impact using new microscale analytical chemistry tools to develop microbial-based processes. His research includes the development of new microfluidic-based methods, synthesis of living catalytic biomaterials and microbial fuel cells. State of the art spectroscopy, electrochemistry and microfluidic technology are platforms used for in-operando and real-time measurments.
Samantha Gateman -Western University
The Gateman group tackles the issues in understanding corrosion by using a multiscale electrochemical approach to obtain a full picture of how metals degrade. We are building an interdisciplinary and diverse research team that combines expertise in analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, surface science, materials, and metallurgy to gain insight on corrosion initiation, propagation, and termination mechanisms.
Jose Miran-Mirabal – McMaster University
Miran-Mirabal’ research focuses on utilizing surface chemistry, micro- and nanofabrication to create functional materials that can be used in a wide variety of applications, such as cell microenvironment engineering, sensing, and other analytical platforms. We combine our fabricated structures with various fluorescence microscopy techniques, such as epifluorescence, TIRF, single molecule tracking, FCS, and FRET, to probe the biomolecular interactions that occur between the structured biomaterials and the cells or biomolecules of interest.
Zoya Leonenko – University of Waterloo
The Leonenko group develops new approaches to provide critical knowledge in understanding the role of nanoscale structure of lipid membrane in molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Together with collaborators she initiated a new research program in quantum biology, which has a focus to uncover new quantum phenomena in biology and neuroscience. Her team use atomic force microscopy (AFM), Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), nanoscale electrophysiology, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and other biophysical techniques to study biophysics of lipid membranes and lipid-protein interactions
Gilbert Walker-University of Toronto
The Walker group integrates Chemistry, Optics, Mechanics and Biology to investigate fundamental and applied nanoscale phenomena at surfaces and biointerfaces. Walker’s work has involved synthetic polymers, perovskites, 2D materials, cells, and in vivo models. His discoveries address needs in the aquaculture industry, biomedical diagnostics, and human diseases that involve a disregulated immune response.
Emmanuel Ho- University of Waterloo
The Ho group focuses on the development and characterization of innovative nanoparticles, medical devices, and biomaterials for drug delivery and vaccine applications. Our technology platforms are designed to be customizable to enhance drug solubility, targeted delivery, and improved therapeutic efficacy. Ho’s team has the experience and knowledge to develop pharmaceutical formulations for small molecule drugs, proteins/peptides, and nucleic acids.
Huiyan Li– Guelph University
The Biomed Innovation lab led by Dr Li focuses on developing innovative micro- and nano-scale biosystems for the study of health and diseases, with a primary focus on cancer and food safety. Multidisciplinary research integrates biosensing, micro/nanofabrication, bio-optics/electronics, and computational tools with biomedicine to decipher the molecular complexity and heterogeneity of disease progression, promoting improved diagnostics, prognosis, and treatment, eventually contributing to personalized medicine.
Michael Boutillier- Western University
Prof. Boutilier develops nanotechnology for applications in micro- and nano-scale fluid flow devices. His recent work has focused on (1) atomically thin graphene membranes for carbon capture, desalination, and clean hydrogen production, (2) microscopic flow rate sensors made from carbon nanotube pillars, and (3) instruments for measuring minuscule flow rates through microscopic areas of nanomaterials.
Brian Amsden- Queens University
Brian Amsden is the Donald and Joan McGeachy Chair in Biomedical Engineering at Queen’s University. Following the completion of his PhD (Queen’s 1996), he worked for Angiotech Pharmaceuticals in Vancouver as a Research Associate, leading projects involving the formulation of paclitaxel for localized delivery to treat restenosis, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. He left Angiotech to join the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Alberta in 1997 and is currently a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Queen’s University where he has been since July 2000.

Abstract Submission and Registration Open on April 1st 2024 and close on June 9th 2024
REGISTRATION COSTS (includes lunches and refreshments over the two days): $100 for Students, $160 for Professors and Postdoctoral Fellows.
POSTER Dimensions must be 4 feet wide x 3 feet high. These are the maximum dimensions
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